Oops, and yes you did. Then it might be your best option to compile LMMS yourself. Its a lot of work to install all dependencies, but the process by it self is not that hard. Or use a different distro, but then the big question becomes which one. Good luck with compiling. https://github.com/LMMS/lmm...
You have about two options. First and easiest is to download the LMMS aplmage file and see if that works. https://lmms.io/download#linux Download the file, and then right click to make it executable. Second option is to talk to the manjaro lmms package builder. I do not know why, but it seems that a...
You cant use 64bit vst yet in LMMS on Linux.

I cant recall is this is a Vestige or a wine limitation.


The orange or the purple one.
I learned a lot from watching other people making music on the pc. Not just LMMS. I also learned from making covers even though it was often very frustrating. The important part though, just start and don't overthink it. Just put in some notes and see if you like it. I also learned a lot from musibe...
Wow , I am impressed.
I know that what musikbear says is not the Linux way but..... For reasons I do not know, not one Distro seems to compile LMMS 100% right. I am on openSUSE and had to talk to the LMMS package builder to tell him it was not working right. He did not know LMMS needs wine to load VST as one example. He ...
I am impressed well done.
LV2 support is being worked on.

Another option is Carla. I had Amsynth working in LMMS with Carla, sadly no automation yet though.

On openSUSE with LMMS 1.3 alpha I already have some LV2 plugins working though.

Thank you :)