JosiahFisher wrote:
Mon Jun 03, 2024 8:27 am
I am also new here.
You already got our links :)
-but welcome to the Forum JosiahFisher!
First off, Welcome to the Forum so_noob! Here are all important links: -A few rules and useful forum instructions If you like to introduce yourself, to the community, go here: Hello, I have this issue...
I know this is a bit off topic It is completely of-topic, but you would only know that if you have read our rules :p all important links: -A few rules and useful forum instructions If you like to introduce yourself, to the community, go here: http:/...
The power has come back and the storm has been long gone! Back to beat-making!!! Thank you all for your concerns and thoughts... ¨ So nice for you. I have seen some very disturbing scenes of hurricane disaster areas. It is not possible to imagine how horrifying it must be to be in the middle of suc...
pka2 wrote:
Sun May 26, 2024 12:03 am
"save and share" system
Master has complete export.
Everything in a project will be included in the save-folder. That will make sharing very easy.
I know this has been said before but im giving some ideas for multiuser. There are many multiuser programs like Photon, Normcore, etc... LMMS could use one of those and it could work. I dont know what the multiplayer engine is for google stuff(google slides and docs) but i think it could act the sa...
I tried many times, all failed, I know the source code used qt and c++, when I trans it to codeblocks project by cmake, faild, I don't know how to get into a project UI in IDE. Anyone can tell me? Doubt codeblocks will work. MSVS community-ED is the only one i have hear4d of being able to work in w...
A disastrous storm just hit my hometown (Houston) a few days ago; as a result, I'm without power. I was supposed to work on my house beats this month, but until the power is back up and running, I have to indefinitely suspend any beat-making until further notice. Sorry guys. Do pray for me and my c...
i have lost my song --- That was sad. I want to mention something that perhaps was the reason. if you are on a labtop , running only on batteries, eg a labtop that is not plugged in. When labtops start to go down on electric charge, they can be problematic, especially when it comes to saving files.... wrote:
Fri May 17, 2024 4:57 pm
If possible, change my login to: vincenzomascello
It will be done after the holidays.

-I hope you found a useable backup-file(?)