i dont' understand how you connect this track to lmms knobs? i dont's see any command for this That is easy, and explained in wiki https://lmms.io/wiki/index.php?title=Working_with_Automation Only since 1.0 you can drag the controller in first, or you can make the track first, that does not matter,...
Yes, you can drag-copy the pattern-block, just as you do with normal note-blocks. (geshh... think.. you can.. mmm not 100% sure 1.1.3 has this.. yet. I have messed around wit crashing PRs for really long, but i promise the l o n g waiting is worth it, ...when the crash-bugs are crushed :// At least...
I draw some automation for some many knob. I got epic sound for this short pattern.
How i can do copy this automation for reapeat pattern many times?
It is possible? I can't draw it again manually, coz its to hard xD.
and another question - if i create automation track in LMMS in Song Editor
i don't see where i can connect this track. so how i can use this tracks?
I create midi file with cc midi events for some parameters. I do import this file and see automation track. but i don't know how to connect this automation track to some lmms instrument knobs. Also copying events from this automation track to created lmms automation not work (but i see buttons for t...
so control from midi input not work?

So Watsyn have 4 оscillators and TripleOscillator have 3 оscillators

but each instrument provide same functionality?

should i use both of them or only one?
if you need different drums kits - use sf2 drum kits and paino roll

you can just drag n drop your vst pugin file
from File explorer tab,
or from Home tab - if you put your vst instrements to user Home folder
That is a completely different architecture. If you believe it is possible to make in our current architecture, please make a mocup design, but current B&B is not suited for this at all.. i am talking about just show custom text labels for notes in piano roll please see this image http://i.imgu...