Hi radiarc, very well done, extremly professional! Especially the mixing/mastering, classes better than many others, you really managed to make the stereotypic style of machine music disappear. Did you really do this with LMMS? What kind of effects are you using? I'm very much impressed! Well, I've...
It's done!
After a great deal of hard work, it is finished.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFHOEX5A ... e=youtu.be

If you like what you hear, please share it with your friends!
I would like to compose for video games/movies someday, so it'd be really helpful =3
I don't know if anyone around here even knows me (my first post here), but I'm just a teenager trying to do something productive with his life. I've been working with LMMS for 17-18 months now, releasing 1 song every week for about 6 or 7 months. I'm working on an album called Cynosure, and, well, I...