Intuition or paranormal ?

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Let me start by saying that I do not believe that some people have paranormal abilities and other don't.

I am convinced we all have these. Most people seem to ignore their intuition though as I like to call it.
(I myself have been ignoring my intuition for years)
The word paranormal has for me to much connections to people who claim to be a medium, but are mostly full of it. :P

Famous examples, Uri Geller, char and prob, derek ogilvie.

What my problem is with people like these, they ask questions. If he has special abilities, then why does he need to ask questions?
Why does he not tell just how it is?

How most of these people work. ( you can google more about cold reading if you like)

I will ask you a question like, I see a person who is very important to you.

9 out of 10 people will then answer, my dad or my mom.

This will not work with everybody, but then you will see the medium complain, about the person not opening up to him or her.

Most medium are not bad people though, but I do doubt most can do, what they claim they can.

I am also a fan of James Randi.
He offered 1 million dollar, for anyone who can proof in front of him to have paranormal abilities.
Nobody has succeeded yet, they all have failed.

How is it possible that somebody so skeptical like me , still believes there is more?

It has to do with a few of my personal experiences, I will tell about two of them, which still make me wonder, can we see the future?

The first one:
I am sitting behind my pc, and suddenly I see something, a vision ? a day dream? Don't know how to explain this better.

I see two people walking up the stairs, to my house. One is holding a cardboard box.
They come to visit me.

Were this gets weird, after this vision? I was sure there were more then 2 people, but I only saw two.

A few weeks go by, and I get visitors. I see exactly that same image, two people walking up the stairs, the second one holding a cardboard box.

I was totally shocked, wtf is happening here, but because I did remember that vision, I stepped out of my door and looked down the stairs to see how many people there were. There were three people.

I can laugh about this now, but when it happened, my first reaction was like, I said in another topic, I have lost it, I have gone mad.

The other one was a dream.
I dreamed I was back at a company were I had worked before. I walk through a wide hall with machines. I great a few former colleague and have a problem keeping up with the group in front of me. We come to a door and a former colleague of mine hold the door open for me.
This former colleague however never worked at the company, I was dreaming about.

The next day I still remember this dream, and laugh about it, because of that former colleague who never worked at that company.
So this dream had to be as most dreams, nothing special.

Again a few weeks go by, and then it starts to get weird.
That company I had worked at before, wanted me back for a project. The day before I had to go there, I hurt a muscle in my leg, and after this, I had issues walking at a normal pace.

I still did not think about that dream though.
The next day I went to that company. and we get a tour through the factory.

We walk though a wide hall with machines, and I greet the same persons as in that dream. Again I was like wtf is happening?
Because I had hurt a muscle I did have issues, keeping up with the group.
At the end of this hall, a former colleague of mine, but as I said from a different company, holds the door open for me, because I had a bit trouble walking.

I did register at a few paranormal forums, but never got the answer I was looking for.
How the hell is this possible.

That has a lot to do with the person I am. I was far more interested in the answer how we can do stuff like this, then the fact I might have paranormal abilities.

It will not surprise anybody I did not find those answers.

The only things I did find, there are two types of reactions to my stories.
First one bullshit, you're memory has been acting up.
The second one , wow you are a medium.
Oops a lot of words, but I forgot the most simple example, why we should not ignore our intuition.
Many years ago I had a mild hart attack. (when it happened, I did not know what was going on, I did not have the most common symptoms, like pain on you chest )
While this happened though, a thought popped into my head. Am i having a hart attack ?

I off course, because that's the person I was, started to talk to myself. Don't panic stay clam, everything is prob fine, you just have eaten something wrong. My intuition was right though. ;)
We musicians are allowed to be a little weird. It's how our creative brains work.

One point that I have to make, is that to me, things like dreams and seemingly foresight/intuition/paranormal are better taken passively. Knowing that you have them is ok, while acting on them is not. It's like a one-way street. Your everyday experiences may or may not influence your dreams, but your dreams may not influence your everyday actions and decisions.

But as I said, we musicians are allowed to be a little weird. So if you can use your weird experiences to make better music, then that is good.
LOL, well I fully agree. I also know that we dream so much, that pure statistics show, that at least one of those dreams, has to come out.
I also know my gut feeling has been wrong too.

A teacher of mine, once said to me, why do you always have to do things different then others.

So a little weird definitely applies.
After reading your first post. All I can say is,!
You are not alone there.
Those experiences that you went through, are very interesting ones.

Many things I dreamed came true.
So much stuff you mentioned, I have to figure out how to answer.
Oops a lot of words, but I forgot the most simple example, why we should not ignore our intuition.
Many years ago I had a mild hart attack. (when it happened, I did not know what was going on, I did not have the most common symptoms, like pain on you chest )
While this happened though, a thought popped into my head. Am i having a hart attack ?

I off course, because that's the person I was, started to talk to myself. Don't panic stay clam, everything is prob fine, you just have eaten something wrong. My intuition was right though. ;)
Hmmm. Interesting.
In one case, that sounds like something, that nearly happened to me over two years ago.
I actually knew I was about to black out, a minute before it actually happened.
And then it happened.
I almost blacked out too.
And all sorts of thoughts went through my head too.

PS: Also, a suggestion for people who suffer from mild heart attacks, is every morning, drink 2 glasses of clean water.
Not stinky bottled water. Ewwwwww.

Drinking water nearly every morning, after you wake up, cleans your body and solves alot of internal body problems, especially when it comes to people, who suffer from heart problems.
Alot of Japanese people do this too.
I know I am not alone, but most people are afraid to talk about this. They worry to much about what others might think.

Because I am quite skeptical myself, I could accept that the second story I told, about that dream, has to do with a short circuit in my memory.

The first story though, happened while I was awake, and me weeks later checking that weird feeling, knowing there were more then the two, removed for me all doubt there is something.

And before people wanna ask me to help them as a medium, I have to disappoint them upfront.
Every attempt on my side to invoke this pre cognition and other stuff failed.

One funny story, which does however not proof anything either.
While looking for answers and proof, i found articles about the zener test.

So I sat down and tried and failed. Then I got very angry. Is this stupid test gonna tell me I don't have powers ?
I tried again, and did get slowly get in a kind of trance, first one fail, second, third, fourth, fifth and 6th card right.
When I however realized I had 5 on a row right, the trance broke and I failed again. ( or at least I did not achieve anything statistical relevant.)
If you do this test, you will get around 20% right. That's simple statistics. 25 questions, a change of 1 in 5 to get it right makes 20%.

I did learn something from this though. If you want you're intuition to speak, you need to stop thinking.
Now you might ask, how do I stop thinking ?

Short answer, I wish I knew how to do that. ;)

Longer answer, with meditating, my record of not thinking stands for about 30 seconds.
I stopped meditating though, because although, I do get calm while meditating, as soon as I stop, I am as I was before the meditation.
Zener tests?
I heard about that before.
Thanks for the wiki link.
Is this stupid test gonna tell me I don't have powers ?
Obviously no. :P
From what the old people have told me and from what I know, these tests are normally made by people, who have no actual understanding of the paranormal. :P
I did learn something from this though. If you want you're intuition to speak, you need to stop thinking.
Glad you found out that.
Now you might ask, how do I stop thinking ?
It's not always easy. Plenty will power will be needed there.
Longer answer, with meditating, my record of not thinking stands for about 30 seconds.
Well at least it's better than 0 seconds. :)
I stopped meditating though, because although, I do get calm while meditating, as soon as I stop, I am as I was before the meditation.
Ha! Ha! I heard that happens to alot of people.
There are many reasons for that. It's difficult to explain in words, why that happens.
One funny story, which does however not proof anything either.
While looking for answers and proof, i found articles about the zener test.
I just read over this zener test wiki info.
Interesting read though.

Also, I'm reading over this entire conversation.
I find it very interesting. :)