Good Dubstep in LMMS?

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I recently stumbled upon an old attempt of mine to make dubstep. I never quite finished it, but even without the sudden ending, it doesn't sound all that great. I don't plan on completing this song (I lost the project file anyways), but I would like some tips for my next attempt, and perhaps some relevant examples or tutorials.


Dudeguy21, whats up!

Just finished listening to it. I honestly really like it considering its not even finished. Drum tone is on point, absolutely nailed that part. As far as the composition goes, I think its perfectly fine. There are a few instruments used that I feel need to be grittier to give it a more authentic dubstep sound. At 1:54, it has those 8-bit quick chops, I would make that grittier to see what it sounds like. I heard a couple clipping issues but nothing really obvious. Also, adding/adding more reverb to the drums would be nice. Sadly, I'm not familiar with any tutorials or information that I can pass along. However, if I stumble across anything I'll be sure to send it your way! Keep it up.
StrawbearyJams wrote:
Sat May 20, 2017 5:59 pm
Dudeguy21, whats up!

Just finished listening to it. I honestly really like it considering its not even finished. Drum tone is on point, absolutely nailed that part. As far as the composition goes, I think its perfectly fine.

There are a few instruments used that I feel need to be grittier to give it a more authentic dubstep sound. At 1:54, it has those 8-bit quick chops, I would make that grittier to see what it sounds like.
I remember being unhappy with the native distortion effects, but I was probably just using them incorrectly. Is there a particular effect or technique that you would recommend?

Thanks for the feedback!
I'm not super familiar, like I said, but I would try different triple oscillators and mess around with the wave type to see if you can find something more your style. Any time my man, keep up the good work!

If you get time, check out my new song! :D I have a thread open on this forum as well here:
Search on youtube for Cubician's ZynAddSubFX dubstep growl. It's a pretty good and grimey dubstep bass. Also try layering multiple synths for a more complex sound. Shameless plug, but I used this technique in a dubstep-ish bass drop here:
Snarf wrote:
Sun May 21, 2017 4:14 pm
Search on youtube for Cubician's ZynAddSubFX dubstep growl. It's a pretty good and grimey dubstep bass.
Thanks for the tip, I'll make sure to watch that one.
Shameless plug, but I used this technique in a dubstep-ish bass drop here:
That is easily the best dubstep I've heard in LMMS. The drum part is so great, I couldn't help but smile while listening!

What did you use to create that rising tone before the drop? I tried using a bandpass filter on static, but it didn't sound very good. Did you just use triple oscillator and a pitch bend, or is it more complicated than that?

Thanks for the advice!
Dudeguy21 wrote:
Mon May 22, 2017 12:57 am

That is easily the best dubstep I've heard in LMMS. The drum part is so great, I couldn't help but smile while listening!

What did you use to create that rising tone before the drop? I tried using a bandpass filter on static, but it didn't sound very good. Did you just use triple oscillator and a pitch bend, or is it more complicated than that?

Thanks for the advice!
Thanks! The riser was indeed a 3x osc synth with a slow pitch bend (up an octave or two over the course of several measures). I didn't use a white noise (static) riser in that track, but the way I like to do it now is to use a lowpass with a good amount of resonance combined with an eq peak (with a high Q). Automate the filter cutoff and the peak frequency upwards to get a more interesting resonant filter sweep compared to just a normal lowpass.

As for the drum part– just listen to some metal ;)