Record MIDI track while other tracks keep playing

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Now, this is surely a stupid newbie question that I should be able to find the answer to in any manual, web page, forum post or video, but I can't.

I have found out that I can record MIDI in the piano roll -- that is, recording what I want on an external keyboard. However, I can only have metronome clicks while recording, as far as I can tell.

How do I do to record a MIDI track live, while all other tracks keep playing?
In Piano Roll instead of the Record button hit the one to the right of it with the Play triangle and the Record circle mixed together (which you're right doesn't get much of a mention in the documentation).

The tool tip says "Record notes from Midi-device while playing song or BB track" and by a bit of good luck that's just what it does ;).

Have fun - Steve
As Steve says, Lmms transport is divided in two
So the record+transport is the one you can use.
I have an old tutorial on how to set that up:
Lmms looks different, but it is still valid
After pressing the "Record notes from Midi-device while playing song or BB track" button in the Piano Roll window the only thing that happens is this:
- I only hear what I'm recording in that track, not the other tracks of the song
- I only have one measure to record in, as if I was using the Beat+Bassline Editor and not the Piano Roll so if I continue to record the new notes they are thrown on top of the previously recorded notes

I'm using version 1.2.0 on Windows.

I've looked all over for an answer and I must be the only one with this problem : /
I really like working with LMMS but recording new tracks and not being able to hear the other tracks is a big problem. Any suggestions?
You are most likely doing something wrong.

Are you trying to record into the bbe editor ?
That could explain why it loops.

Does this help ?
OldDogNewTricks wrote:
Fri Jul 21, 2023 11:21 pm
that happens is this:
- I only hear what I'm recording in that track, not the other tracks of the song
Then you use the wrong button, try the other
if I continue to record the new notes they are thrown on top of the previously recorded notes
That happens if you have loopmarker active. Disable loop
I'm using version 1.2.0 on Windows.
Recommend to upgrade, not that it would be the reason for your issue, but 1.2.2 (and 1.3 -but the revert is not possible!!) is just better

The video i linked to is still valid -btw

Besides that, since you are new in Forum
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