Regarding the "announcement samples", it's just voices that I grab somewhere on the web, like military orders or italian speaking stuff in other tunes. I have a tiny bank of them now. It's just to make a surprise "strange" effect again, in the background and add a ton of reverb ...
Hi I am new with LMMS, I followed some tutorials to start, I am also new to music in general so I am reading some books on music theory and listening to some podcasts that tell me what I have to learn, plus I do some exercises with the midi just to train my fingers. Cool! I don't know how familiar ...
It's my biggest issue with Soundcloud. Them processing my track. Why do I not at least have the option to do it myself? They could tell us what the file size limit is, and let us worry about how we achieve this. Yeah, they can be pretty annoying, right? Besides sound quality they do this fade-in th...
Very nice 8 bit like track. The melody is very good and it's very well mixed. Well - thanks! It's not quite 8-bit though, considering the drum samples I used. But it's not very accurate to begin with in terms of the number of voices etc., etc. Whatever, it's the 8-bit sound I was after. I'm not so ...
I don't know what the "SincR" upscaling does... everyone mentions to use it. Okay useless information, but it's just one of many upscaling methods. And upscaling is just, well, increasing the amount of pixels. Usually this would make your one pixel increasingly tiny compared to the entire...
This is important. I did'nt know that. The sound i got when i was replaying an exported track in VLC was dismo. It was clear that VLC attempted to adjust notes with hard attack down in volume, and that the following secd of playback then again increased to some kind of 'medium-value'. The end resul...
I could totally imagine buying a record at a thrift store, bringing it home and finding this on it. Which is a compliment, because that used to be one of my favorite passtimes. Very 2000-esque.
As commented on YouTube: It's very cute! And I don't mean that in a condescending way, I guess it's just something about your sound. I think the samples you use play a big in part that. It's excellent background music either way. This one has a little bit of a chiptune style - not "authentic&qu...
Very eery and ambient. I think I've just realized something about your music: When I just listen to it normally, for the first time, it doesn't really work for me. But in the context of the game it suddenly just clicks. And whatever I've realized about it sticks with me. I think they aren't quite &q...
musikbear wrote:
Wed May 25, 2022 4:19 pm
Please just click the exclamation mark for report. SimonD will vaporize in cyberspace ☁
I'm sure he will. But he'll always stay in our hearts... (not really) :lol: