Hi all! I'm struggling a bit because I got a preowned Akai MPK49. It's fun to play melodies and record them, yet I'm not sure how to get the most out of all the dials, knobs and drum pads. I tried Ableton (free version) and I was ready to flip out a bit because there doesn't seem to be a way to get ...
Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone knows if and how this can be done. I tried putting a pad with 6 voices of polyphony through a chorus effect and I set depth to max. :lol: Changing the rate of this effect creates some wild sounds (it sounds like really fast FM). The thing however is the (inh...
Not sure about that specific hardware, but drum pads usually work like a second keyboard, in the sense that they send note events but on a different channel from that of the main keyboard-keyboard. This means you could play melody on them if connected to an instrument track, as they assume your sof...
I installed Carnival (32 bit VST included). The Carnival FX.dll works but the Carnival Synth.dll doesn't. It opens and closes the GUI and it doesn't open again when you click 'show GUI'. The Native Cardinal program opens and closes as well and for some reason can't run.. Do you have any thoughts? I'...
Knobs on MIDI controllers can be used for virtually anything. LMMS lets you assign almost any parameter to any knob you want. Right click on a knob or slider or button and you have a "Connect to controller" option, then move the physical knob you want it to respond to, and done. As long a...
Here on sharing platform you can find so many projects to download and learn from. https://lmms.io/lsp/?action=browse&category=Projects&sort=date That is incredible, thank you! This will help me out a lot. I can't believe there are over 400 pages of projects! It makes me so happy to see tha...
Just sharing some things I recently learned. This opens some major doors on manipulating samples in LMMS. Step 1: Open Vital and disable OSC1, then enable noise oscillator. Step 2: Drag sample from outside LMMS (doesn't work internally) into the noise oscillator. If you're a Windows user a quick wa...
I'm working on something that I thought I'd share. It doesn't have any drums or automation yet. I'm not very happy with it so I thought I should ask what you guys think. For the drums I'm thinking of editing some samples, exporting them, adding them to a sequencer (using Sitala from one of Musicbea...
I'm working on something that I thought I'd share. It doesn't have any drums or automation yet. I'm not very happy with it so I thought I should ask what you guys think. For the drums I'm thinking of editing some samples, exporting them, adding them to a sequencer (using Sitala from one of Musicbear...
Just curious. Is it possible to use midi knobs in LMMS? Also, what are knobs typically meant for? I was thinking of trying to use them for recording modulation somehow but I imagine they're more meant for live performance. I'm looking around for midi keyboards and I'm not sure if I should get one wi...