After rebooting my system this is now working as intended. Not sure why it didn't work that way from the start, but seems to be resolved.
Yes, the method you describe is what I am doing, I clicked on the Sample track button in the song editor and added effects within the Effects Chain popup. But, they are not working on the sample track, however. All of the effects in the effects chain are selected (they are green) and even with wet m...
I wasn't clear. I don't double-click on the sample track from the song editor (where the piano roll shows up for instrument tracks). I double click on the Sample track box in the song editor list, where the gear icon is, the mute and solo buttons, on the words "sample track." It opens up t...
I recorded a sample in Audacity and brought it into my LMMS project as a sample track. I double click on the sample track which opens the effects chain. I have added some effects (both LMMS built-in and plugins) but none seem to do anything. All the selection boxes are green, W/D mix set to 100% wet...