Phenoms are pretty good. If your PC can play back sound you have a soundcard...

Thanks about the song, it's almost finished
Overall, the answer is no. Spending time to create/use high quality presets for the virtual instruments you use will always be more important than the soundcard you have, unless the soundcard is extremely old. The reason that the Tyros-5 may sound better is because it comes with many built in preset...
I believe in your last sentence you meant harmonics? Harmonies don't have to be in a different scale.
@musikbear My theme is 1.0.2/3 compatible and reintroduces the old icons with a much improved(imo) color scheme. ... &file=5316

As for the problem at hand, is this only a visual problem? IE you can still use the knobs, etc.
Quoting a wiki as a source is never a good idea. Especially considering you wrote that article with no external sources to prove it is even remotely accurate...

Not trying to be a jerk, but accurate information is of the utmost importance.
However, I can say up front that LMMS does not have the most stable VST support. -well not exactly so. In fact lmms support vst's made acording to steinberg specification. If your lmms installation can load and use synth1 , then vst-support works perfect, This is not completely true, sorry. There a...
Some more information would be nice! What processor model do you have, what version of XP do you have, etc. In general, more technical system information. However, I can say up front that LMMS does not have the most stable VST support. Granted, while the 1.x.x line is exponentially more stable than ...
Are you in the piano roll with no pattern selected? If so, you'll need to open the piano roll by double clicking the timeline for an instrument.
There are several programs available for free that can package different samples into a .sf2, but alas I am not the person you'd need to ask about that :(

Tresf would know, send him a PM!
Have you looked into compiling your samples into a .sf2 file? Then the native .sf2 can treat them as a singular instrument.