It happened again, it just resets when i close and reopen the project, the top ''bar meter'' is off and the grey and black markings are in the right place. It just plays delayed now and @musikbear your suggestions didn't help. This is so strange that i need to see the project upload the project, AS...
OS is either UBUNTU or MINT ( both latest distro ) ..You dont know if you have Mint OR Ubuntu? as for "run" if I use the command "run" from the command line, it tells me that "run" isn't valid No! "Run" prompt you to bring the CLI up, and inside CLI you type ...
:~/Downloads$ sudo apt install lmms-1.2.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage [sudo] password for bob: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package lmms-1.2.2-linux-x86_64.AppImage This is what I've tried & Yes CHMOD had been run...
I asked on the LInux musician forum if somebody can help. (fingers crossed) Thats great ! I asked trefs and he said that it is different from builds.. iow it has changed several times.. Oo Dear.. So it is hard to say generally. I would expect dot-file to be in the lmms.exe folder, and that would be...
ubus wrote:
Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:41 pm
Are you saying that nightly does not work with WINE 9?
I really dk..
I had hoped for GPS to chime in, because he know Linux in depth, but he is rarely online
Greetings, Hi, Welcome to the Forum CMDwild ! Here are all important links: -A few rules and useful forum instructions If you like to introduce yourself, to the community, go here: Good percussion de...
Hello, how do I ask for permission to use excerpts from the sound Pet Shop Boys - Go West.mmpz by author Peter F (Peter F) that will be used in a production on YouTube? You need to contact the Record label. They have all rights and is the only one that can grant you permission. Search the copy-righ...
ubus wrote:
Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:08 pm
I read that the nightly app image works with WINE 9,
Where? Can you link to the post?
ive been trying everything!! i cant figure out how to make the labs vst work! im using the new "LABS" app to install the soft piano to use in lmms but it doesnt work. when i try to add the labs.dll into the vestige loader, nothing happens. i can barely find anyone else with this problem a...
With an Applemage file, the libs are in the Applemage file. Thats why it runs on about every Linux distro. I am on opensuse, so need to be carefull. But Kx repositires might help ? Guus, i asked in dev for info about Ubuntu, and the Linux folder structure, (because as...