I usually start with a chord progression to get the "sound" or "mood" I'm looking for, then a simple drum line for the beat. After that, it's just adding, subtracting and modifying until it gets into shape. If you are new to composing music and want to develop your skills, I sugg...
Good enough then. Thx. :)
I noticed when I re-installed ver. 1.1.3 for WIndows 7 64-bit that the "About" box in lmms still shows the version as being "prerelease". An oversight perhaps? Or is 1.1.3 still a WIP? :o

I think it would be a good idea. It might help prevent them from getting "buried" in the forum threads. Or, I wonder if a forum section dedicated to themes might be useful? Perhaps as a sub-section of "Your Projects". It might be overkill depending on how much activity theme crea...
A nice theme you've done. I don't think there's anything more you could add or change ... :)
No need to spend time porting lmms to the ChromeOS. Here ya go: http://www.howtogeek.com/162120/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-your-chromebook-with-crouton/ First, be sure that you know if your Chromebook uses an ARM or Intel processor. You'll need to choose a LInux distro that is compiled for one o...
That's good to know. Now I'll have to delve into templates. :)
Frankly, I find the lmms opening screen to be about the simplest most uncluttered DAW GUI there is now. However ... It's easy enough to make it simpler without changing a thing. All one has to do is open lmms, arrange the screen and panels in any fashion one likes, and save the Project as "Defa...
Thx musikbear, I thought that might be the case. No worries. But it gave me an idea ... (which I will post about in another thread so this one doesn't drag along) :)
Sorry to bring this old topic back, but I'm curious about this too. Are LADSPA instruments useable in the lmms GUI, or just the LADSPA effects? I ran across an old email, linked above from the old mailing list, that mentioned the instruments were GUI-less and could (maybe) only be used, or triggered...