The descriptions sound o.k. but you'll have to make the music. Is it finding the sounds that you want help with ? Let's start with birds and wind (and thunder and rain and insect noises if you like). Try Plenty of versions of most of the ot...
hi, just need help with the music for the myst island project. do you think the music will go with my myst game I was working on a story about? the first is the main center: quiet birds, singing, wind blowing, all 4 nearly close portal entrance's have all (SAME) eerie quiet choir, but each one has a...
have you noticed that both cave story and undertale are almost similar? you BET! i need some help here into working on 2 musics. overworld is a mix of cavestory's (Gastation first cave) and undertale's (005 Ruins) and 2 styles are undertale and cave story. i have problems on my own... and need help....
brandystarbrite wrote:Bumpy. 8-)
is there a way to make the Gameboy style music?
brandystarbrite wrote:Oh boy. My internet is giving trouble again. :P
I shall check your music, as soon as it starts to work again.
you kidding me?
I JUST WORKED SO MUCH... are you joshing me are you?

your computer is just fine!
hi! can one of you guys listen to my mix and tell me if its GB-ish or not? ... ngus-theme

I need a guy that dose music from tower to heaven game.
um... what about sounds from a game boy conceal?

do you think there was a sample?
is there a way to make instrument ingredients out of Freeboy color?. like from megaman GBC? but I heard the megaman GB's. I received your two messages. :) But you still haven't answered my question. What are instrument ingredients? Are you trying to learn to make certain sounds in Freeboy? :geek: w...
I needed help but since no one ever wanted to be my friend... I need support :(
is there a way to make instrument ingredients out of Freeboy color?. like from megaman GBC?

but I heard the megaman GB's.