im going to correct my self and say that its not 8 bit. it was late when i posted that, i dont know why i said 8 bit.
Woah, made them yourself? the ones you made in the tut were good, but these are awesome. just noticed your from Texas! Yay!
The idea is to hold a periodic challenge in which each participant creates a project. The central rule is that the project must utilise a certain set of stock LMMS samples. That set will change for each next challenge. Other samples are allowed, but the more creative you are with that set of sample...
It's so beautiful :cry: and that description was brutal, but happy endings are always good :lol: "Run Along Now".. Tonight on soundcloud I have just reached the "2,007 plays in total" mark, and so I have for you a special gift:... IF you've ever wondered what a folder titled 303 acid would so...
I'm having trouble making a change of tempo stick. The default was set to 140 bpm when I started the piece, but I decided to change it to 85, then clicked the play button and it immediately reverted to 140. How do I lock in a tempo change Welcome to the Lmms Forums grandad . 8-) To solve that probl...
Exciting track to make and i feel like it has a good amount of emotions put into it! Has some orchestral vibes with a few chiptune melodies Hope you enjoy this one! That was really cool! It sounded very like, idk some kinda boss fight for an 8-b...
st3aLth wrote:How are u doing?
I am fine, for the sun does shine, how's your day? If I may? :lol:

-DJ FlyingPankakez 2016

That poem took me awhile.
brandystarbrite wrote:
DJ FlyingPankakez wrote:Call the shorter version a Radio edit, and the longer one producers cut. Problem solved. 8-)
Good one. 8-)
8-) thanks.
brandystarbrite wrote:
Jogden139 wrote: amen.. plus after looping the same track for hours mastering or mixing it makes other songs sound so much better afterwards!
Yep. :)
I will also yep this...yep.