bokuyata wrote:Sweet, i feared it got forgotten.

I suggest that everyone try to use vanilla LMMS (no external samples/vst/effects) and publish their projects on LSP
By that we could learn one or two things from others and increase the general skill level from everyone.
Woah, you should do tuts on YouTube or some thing for ZynAddSubFx. i know there are some already out there, but they just cover basics. me likey. I've heavily considered doing live streams or vids, still trying to work out details though. that would be awesome if you do that. im still pretty much a...
This would be super cool. lol, i already made a song only using presets , i think i may post it on my soundcloud, idk. but i would love to do something like this
so its like i group, but not. Neat!

i followed :lol:
Woah, you should do tuts on YouTube or some thing for ZynAddSubFx. i know there are some already out there, but they just cover basics. me likey.
Wow...those growls tho...That was spooky, unnerving and cool at the same time! How"d you get that spooky feeling?
Woah! You did this in LMMS? Thats Ridonkulous...And that cool noise thing at 21 seconds was so cool. the song reminded me of a epic space battle, and the beginning of the song is like, pre Epic space battle where theres a tense moment and then at 21 seconds, the first shot is fired...BOOM! :yuck: ov...
please insert a timestamp for the pos of interest in the video We are not clairvoyants, i"m so sorry, i dont know how to make it link to the exact time but it starts at 44 seconds into the song. once again sorry lol. :P What musikbear means, is like for eg. 34 secs to 56 secs . Or 40 ses to 50...
but it starts at 44 seconds into the song. Thats it! :D Its a dead 'simple' std saw, perhaps a little bit of square to make it 'airy' But you could definately start with something like 3oc 'Rough' or you can take one of the supersaws in zynaddsubfx and perhaps let go a bit tougher. Many presets fro...
musikbear wrote:please insert a timestamp for the pos of interest in the video
We are not clairvoyants,
i"m so sorry, i dont know how to make it link to the exact time but it starts at 44 seconds into the song.

once again sorry lol. :P