it definitely seems to happen more if i have a Chromium open. :: lmms1.1.3 Yes, shut down everything! You could even go through your Sevices and start-menu, and look for stuff from old games -game-spy could be a candidate(?) Many times outdated c*** runs without we knowing, and cleanups helps! Serv...
on linux with gigabyte motherboard soundcard used Version of LMMS? Onboard-cards can be trouble-some... Its like the chip can get 'behind' if the cpu has i serious load, so the cpu activity is important! Monitor that, and shut down all other apps on the computer, as to give the cpu as little as pos...
Happens quite regularly, the playback is suddenly much faster with garbled nonsense being outputted. seems to be random, happens more sometimes than others. usually have to wait a while till it fixes itself, sometimes reload the project

this is on linux with gigabyte motherboard soundcard used
Thanks for the info guys, Ive work,ed out the settings by now <3
Lv2 plugins can only be used through Carla as far as I know. Should work on Linux ( carla ), and I believe I saw a windows installer too. I have never tested this though. is Lv2 the standard associated with the GUI's? I`'ve never been able to get carla or jack stuff working, that's why I am so stok...
Is there a way to have the Calf plugins use the graphical interfaces like they show in the manual? Like if you install Calf for Jack. The reason is some of the settings are not clear, like Subdivide in Vintage delay, I kind of understand the manual, but if I could see what the settings are it would ...
zonkmachine wrote:
Fri May 11, 2018 10:29 am

Try putting a Waveshaper Effect in front of the delay and only set the Clip input control (LED) to on.
Thanks I will try this next time I get a problem.
One question, how the heck did you discover this combo, and what does it do? lol :D
Occasionally the Vintage Delay doesn't get included in the rendering output. If it happens, it doesn't matter if i delete the plugin & then add it again fresh ...if it fails it seems to fail forever. When it happens i use the feedback delay as alternative, though this also failed once & resu...
Etorna_Z wrote:
Fri May 04, 2018 1:08 pm
Franny23dmt wrote:
i cant believe The-Port-Of-Riches - Triumph didnt win a place hey.
I'm rapidly losing faith in the judges decision making process :(
The Port of Riches won 12th place. His entry is under the name Maestro Music. :)
Oh cool! good to hear :)
i cant believe The-Port-Of-Riches - Triumph didnt win a place hey.
I'm rapidly losing faith in the judges decision making process :(