HA! This is just adds to the reasons why I'm terrible at piano... I do a lot of accenting in unison on my left and right hand....
It's odd... It's sort of obnoxious but cool...
I really like it... It's quite long and I got some sprite art done while listening to it...
I'd love to know if it gets used in any project or album.
I sort of just want to see the context for it.
Great stuff!
From what I can understand from your original post, if you can learn how to read sheet music and program that into a piano roll, you're set... Of course it's a little harder than that, but look into "C Major" compositions and where all the C Major notes exist on the piano (them's the white...
Though it's related, it's not really much to do with LMMS... C++ isn't too much of a jump from JAVA... but I wouldn't recommend working with someone elses code while learning... Everyone makes C++ seem impossible to learn, it's really not... it just takes time. Figure out small projects and work tow...
It sounds good, I like how the lo-fi element comes into it, but ends with the piano section again. Though are the bass notes on the piano played with the same accent as the melody notes that occur on the same beat? (if that makes sense)... It sounds like the bass notes are softer which is odd for pi...
Thanks for having a look :) @brandystarbrite: Good to hear from another Blender user :D I use it for video editing and 3d models for games mainly. Krita is great! Especially with the newest version including an animation feature. I think I might of tried Sculptris, but I mainly do low-poly modeling,...
The original post was a bit confusing... I thought it was a new competition, but if this person was talking about the "best of LMMS", it's a competition that's held by a community for a great piece of FOSS software... They offer some exposure but don't do any of the "we own a percenta...
Hmmm... There's a few techniques going on here, nothing mind blowing though.... I'm not a musician by any means, but I broke it down to: A. slow release on syth. (Attack) B. grounding samples and giving them weight (Reverb/Delay) C. detuning (Detune or Detuning) D. Automation (Automation) A. For an ...
Very cool.
I love how there are repetitive loops but a really nice progressive feel.
Plus it's very funky, hence cool :D
I agree, very cool... reminds me of some sort of mix of Ivy and Akira Yamaoka... But then there's that theremin.
It all works really well. Great stuff :D