@musikbear, I'd always like to help. However I haven't looked at LMMS source deeply, and I'd be only able to do small patches to the code. And currently there's no open issues. Also, sometimes a new issue is a new kind of old issue, so if there would be new, I first look at the old for the informati...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/386 ... m-function
That's what I mean by "convolve". For more, look in the code.
In common speech it means subtract the previous note if there's one, else subtract the note itself, which gets 0.
A year ago I've tried to make a music generator. It was buggy. I've decided to measure real music. Probably I haven't found nothing new. I knew that music is linear. Then if I convolve it with [-1,1], it will become constant. Guess what will be if to convolve again? Right, pulse. And the music trans...
The project on github:
https://github.com/bckpkol/stft_voice_t ... r_denoiser
It tries to detect your voice's key, correct voice's pitch, may subtract ambient noise (you should record silence for that) and saturate.
Saturation is in the wav write pass, so png it generates isn't saturated.
First, Bezier curve flip side if first and last coords flipped. Second, acceleration already gives good smooth curves, so xadd=(288-yadd*yadd)**.5 is unnecessary complication that makes music worse. So xadd=1 is true. But the concept of negative duration... makes the song polyphonic. But it's a bug....
Well I did that you mention Douglas. You may compare interpolation before and after change. Tell me if I misunderstood you. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ez3l5vuC804ei2WERfvVl8gE4_qwDADQ Found a bug. Link is the same, re-download second version when it's done. https://soundcloud.com/nadremy1jnwj...
I'm Russian and don't understand well what is beginning of measure. If you mean keyframe(I prefer to use animation terms because "it's all in timing and spacing" in both), then the number of inbetweens is. ml=int(freqarray[melarray[((round(y0))%12+12)]]/onetap) So you telling me inbetweens...
With that line: xadd=(288-(yadd*yadd))**.5 it's completely different style. https://soundcloud.com/nadremy1jnwj/random-piano Who don't recognize Pythagoras? Because max yadd is 12, min relative time between notes is sqrt(288-(12*12))=12. You can try set this to 144 to get *very* variable time. Then ...
Listen: https://soundcloud.com/nadremy1jnwj/random-relax Listen more wide range: https://soundcloud.com/nadremy1jnwj/random-guitar Use: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1O2IVzm6Yl6RERQYzZvVU1PV1U Do you like the result? Maybe I need to add some features? It's Bezier curves generator+my old beat ge...
Hello D.Ipsum. Yes it is a representation. Code is explained at abcnotation.com. Kinda strange nobody know about it. Simply X is index, T is name, C is creator, M is size of beat, L is duration of note, K is key, m in key means major, minor else. Because the key is D#m, CDEFGAB is D#FGG#A#B#D. Small...