Had a quick listen to your song. Not too bad at all. Replying because I can across this & thought of your thread :

I've played about with LMMS on & off (mainly off) for a while & one thing I find difficult to is the Knob style controllers. Moving my mouse back & forth (reciprocal motion) to produce a rotary effect on the knob is not at all intuitive for me & I'm finding I have to disengage what I...
You can pitch bend individual notes in the piano roll !?
Now THERE's something a hardware synth might not do... save its settings (never had one, have no idea). Pity the poor Moog players. All the snyths I looked at can - some with greater memory banks than others. Now I've found the arpeggio button on the FX windows & have automation I'm much closer...
Aah, I've found Cubician's tutorials & Automation, looks like things are shaping up :-)
Thanks, I'll certainly give it a go.

Is there any way to alter more than one synth setting at the same time & any way to alter a setting more quickly than with the scroll wheel or moving the mouse while over a knob. 'Knobs' seem a bad choice to me in this respect for a computer GUI.
Thanks for those suggestions & the welcome. I originally went with a DAWS as I hadn't any money for a synth, I can now afford a couple of hundred. My biggest problem is: Finding an instrument/preset with the sound I want. The style I'm after is mid late '70's Moog with arpegiator & sequencer...
Hi, my 1st post here. I have NO experience with keyboards or any electronic instruments, even amplified acoustic. I can play the tin whistle a bit & the Hurdy Gurdy, strum a guitar. That's about it. Some time ago I switched to Linux & as part of that loaded LMMS as I wanted to compose music ...