And samples in a project and those added in a sample track?
Hello, i have a question regarding moving LMMS, if i get a new PC and i move LMMS on that new PC, some samples will go missing and i was wondering, is there a simple and quick way of replacing missing samples ?
Hello, i was wondering what dimensions do i use for the background art so i can make my own.
Hello, i am kinda in trouble as to where to find .sf2 files because i have a .midi file
Ahhh, thank you :)
Hello, i have a question about LMMS which is, am i able to import .midi files to LMMS and how do i do that?!?!?!?!
Ahh thank you so much :D
I think that the LMMS Forum needs a revamp and a new look
Hello, I watched a tutorial from Cubician on how to sidechain in LMMS and i got heavily confused so im gonna ask here. How do I sidechain in LMMS?
Whoops, i did not see the day it was posted