Still thinking 'bout. Implementing the wrapper QSampler and rewrite its wrap (= GUI) would be stupid too.
It may be possible. The codebase seems to be written mostly in C++, which is good, although I cannot determine the language that's used for the UI. If it were Qt, it would stand a better chance as we already bundle that. Linux Sampler itself doesn't have a GUI (runs on console). But QSampler (Linux...
musikbear wrote:
Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:14 pm
Woot! I cant- But the reason could be this, i drag of your post:
(the one from OSC90, two years ago).
Sorry for the confusion. I've the recent one (Helm 0.9.0) running :-). Really.
ZynaddsubFx is awesome, but its not easy to use, especially when you're new to it. I fully agree. Zyn is great but not intuitive at all. It takes months (or even years) to understand it. BTW, there were rumours about integrating the more user-friendly ZynaddsubFx3/ZynFusion in a future version of l...
Can you suggest some great Nexus free alternatives? (Other than synth 1) Also does LMMS support estate grand le? I wouldn't compare Nexus with synth1 as Nexus is a rompler (plays recorded samples) and synth1 truely is a synth. Maybe the SampleScience Player would be an interesting option for you to...
None of them are close to sylenth and nexus. I really want a high quality piano sound too, but i cannot find it.. Sylenth is called one of best quality synth. I don't know if somebody have it running in lmms. Would be interesting for musicbears VSTi database. Nexus is more a rompler (thus OT). Ther...
+ distortion
Hi, maybe you alread noticed it. Unfa pubished a video on yt where he intended to compare the features of lmms vs. ardour: and quickly ended up with declaring why he switched from lmms to ardour. The disadvantages he mentioned are not new. Especially the w...
Hi AKashyap, ... but we can have more of such instrument plugins for instance , an instrument plugin which has pre installed samples ... Do you mean a rompler? There are some free VST romplers. Especially those from DSK Music. A nice one is also the SampleScience Player, but there you may fail with ...
DidJaws wrote:
Wed Mar 21, 2018 5:27 pm
Yes (thank you four your support), and I've forgotten another point : the pitch potentiometer (like in the others plugins inbox).
Adding an effect plugin is one of the very few options you can use for a sample strip. Thus, simply add a pitchshifter. Not the nicest way, but it works.