I've made all the remix stems for the vocals and a few samples as well available to use for this one, go ahead and remix it if you want to! https://soundcloud.com/freedivide/dreamer https://iamdivide.bandcamp.com/track/shes-a-dreamer Oh I'm so on it lol! I do have some questions though: Question 1:...
It's a nice laid back feel type tune. I think if the bass drum was a tiny bit louder, it might have added some more coolness to it. :) But overall, this is a good tune dude. I think the one issue i have during mastering is that my headphones make everything extra bassy and smooth sounding and when ...
[/quote] over 25 =/= only 25 honestly 25 is kinda lowballing it since it crashed every time i wanted to add vocals or export it. thats right. it crashed at the thought of it you should totally try tho. i always felt like therw werent enough of it in lmms [/quote] Whoops. I can't read lol I know the ...
PS, lmms crashed over 25 times in the making of this song LMMS only crashed 25 times? Those are rookie numbers *dramatically puts on sunglasses* Seriously though, consider yourself lucky :lol: As for the track I quite liked it! Makes me want to dabble in the genre myself and see what I come up with...
[/quote] Here's what to do: If you want,........ Just upload the tracks on soundcloud , or youtube or other etc, so we could listen to these tracks. If you put them on soundcloud , you can set them to private if you want. [/quote] That's actually what I've started doing. I think it might be a good i...
So, I've made another song that I'm actually quite proud of. It's another mystery genre thing (unless I'm just dumb and don't know what genre I'm making lol) and I'd appreciate if you guys could take a look or something. Drop a reply and tell me what ya think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQmO0Gx...
Just some chill sounding drums and foley and a few synths *shrug*
I hadn't even thought about licensing or anything like that 0-0 ive just been making stuff for the heck of it so far. HUh....Maybe I should figure out how im gonna do all of this a bit more xD
So, basically I'm thinking of giving away all of the projects that I've hit a wall with. These aren't just projects I made like a week ago and found no inspo to finish, these are projects that I haven't been able to do anything with for months now. I'm sick of seeing them take up space on my hard dr...
So, for the past two years I've been cursed with the "2 minute" curse. I have tons of great projects and melodies and ideas but whenever I try to turn this into more than just catchy loops and tunes it turns into a quick 2 minute blurb and nothing more. I've been trying so hard to expand t...