The Keyword i got more Tutorials was "SuperSaw". Thanks for that :) I found this tut And i got this result : Also i found this tut: And got with the ...
Hello I need some help to get an Hardstyle Sound for a Melodie. I tried Synth 1 with this Tutorial. " ". But even i do exact the same in Piano, it sounds out of tune. I want something who sound like this https://www.lo...

i try to use Synth1 VST.dll to make Musik.
The Plugin loads perfectly. But i can't hear any Sound from the VST.

I use : LMMS 1.2.0-rc8, Kubuntu 18.04

Thanks for your help :)

Edit: After putting the .dll in the my wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86) Directory it works!!