Is it possible to use virtual instruments from other sources, such as Audio Units in LMMS in Macos? The way VIs are installed in Macos which works with some other DAWs, such as Logic and Reaper, is to install them in folders - LIbrary -> Audio -> Plug-ins or LIbrary -> Audio -> Presets - there are f...
Here is another version, done using Logic Pro X - I don't think I like either of these versions very much - either the LMMS one or the LPX one. There is a version of the original 1825 version here - and...
I wanted to see if I could generate anything passable using LMMS. The jury is still out on that - I think this is marginal. The string sounds are really rather poor. I exported each track separately, and then - as I rather expected, LMMS st...
My guess now is that the stats only ever show a couple of Bots (Google and Bing) plus the logged in user. Is that correct? I mean the stats which show at the bottom of the forum page showing the number of online users. It could be that only a few are ever on at a time, it's a pretty specialized aud...
I wonder how many LMMS operations require a 3 button mouse. Not many i can only think of fast-delete of a segment, and there are alternatives The absolute crazy fact is that Apple does not support mouse-middle-click! There are apps from 3. party devs, that kind of implement that feature, but they a...
Another thing I do a lot if I know I'll be trying some major edits in a track is to clone it before I start so I can always revert back if I need to. In song editor, left-click the gear next to the track and clone will be one of the options. This will add a duplicate of the track right below it, wh...
I wonder how many LMMS operations require a 3 button mouse. After wondering about some operations - such as delete a segment - I did some searching, and found that some operations do seem to need the middle button of a suitable mouse. As I normally use a laptop with a trackpad, this option isn't obv...
My guess now is that the stats only ever show a couple of Bots (Google and Bing) plus the logged in user.

Is that correct?

I mean the stats which show at the bottom of the forum page showing the number of online users.
I'm not sure - is there a way to lock tracks, segments etc., so that when trying to edit a complex score segments don't get moved or changed in pitch accidentally? I'm thinking about a situation in which most of the work is OK, and it might be necessary to edit just one track or even a few bars, and...
I've still not found a way to split a midi track into segments within LMMS. However, I have found a workaround, which might help some people. It goes like this. 1. Export one or more Midi tracks as a new Midi file. I'm not sure if it's only possible to export just a single track - didn't work when I...