I've made another track in an attempt to isolate the problem even further. It contains only two instruments: "Target" comes from a preset taken from the above mentioned cool song. It is what I would like to imitate/undestand, but stripped down from all of its effects and mofications. Below...
Thanks I appreciate the welcome.

I don't think I know what you mean by "builder", but I have checked the effects applied to the Osc's fx channel.

Also I don't know what the orr version is.
Hello everyone. So, I've been trying to reproduce a song I like, which I found on the LSP. Here's the original track: https://polimi365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/10568602_polimi_it/EvoIZIOpaDVFuG5m6AwludYB8GMc1apXDm4INmR9FzyPzQ I started by removing the effects from the lead oscillator. I the...