I think I have found the problem. I use easy Q to boost the high end.
This works fine for the piano, but not for that hi hat. Its over kill for the hi hat. That's why I kept lowering the volume.
Update lmms to 1.1.3 might solve the problem.
I just spent about 30 minutes writing feedback for everyone on this thread so far and when I hit submit the forum took me to a login screen because apparently I took too long and my session expired. Uh, that's a load of junk and should be fixed. I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to do that again...
In my previous reply I am mentioning the slow notes being out of scale.
What I meant to say was, that they create a clash' of harmonics. They all are in scale.

Some of this clashing can be fun.
I was experimenting, but my ears protested. To be sure, I asked feedback on this forum. That's because only two years ago I was some what tone-deaf. There are however two types of tone deaf. One can be solved by training. If you have the other one , you're screwed if you want to make music, but from...
I have been listening, and I am trying to use a different hi hat. No success yet.
My lmms on openSUSE is set to ALSA (advanced Linux sound architecture) I am on lmms 1.1.3 so that explains why I don't see sdl. Jack: http://www.jackaudio.org (but if I get jack right its more about routing and connecting stuff) https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/JACK_Audio_Connection_Kit Do you have the...
Raise the filter might be what I mean. What you want is to have more high tones.
Not sure there is too much bass, but there is definitely not enough high.
Its nice, but I agree on the lowpass filter comment.

Cant you automate it? When the track start leave it as it is, and then around were the guys comment is, lower the filter.
If you're on windows you might have to change some settings, so that windows will show the extension of files