This is made with LMMS and Zynaddsubfx.
I Generated a number of tracks in the same key and then used the LMMS mixer to pull them all together.
Different to the stuff I made before!
Check it at
I can live with the workaround. But somebody may want to fix it. Haven't checked with the June released version.
Workaround is to put an empty bar on each track in the song editor in order to make each track the same length.
LMMS will then fully export all tracks but there will be wasted space at the end of each file, since all tracks will be made as long as the longest track.
Hi I'm using LMMS master version on ubuntu. I used export tracks feature to export all 10 tracks into wav files. LMMS got the tracks mixed up and so it got the length of one track and filled it with data from a different track, The result being that some tracks had lots of space at the end...
Please listen to my new LMMS track. This uses samples rain storm and cracking fire.

Great professional sound quality. Good melody!
Thanks I'll have a listen.
I have used a lot of treble sounds. Maybe could do with more bass!
I have just released another track on soundcloud.

It's written using LMMS and all the instruments are made using ZynAddSubFX

Please have a listen and give me your comments.
I'm using current 1.2.0 version.
I have this same problem some 7 years later.
Using fast arpeggios with ZynAddSubFx a note gets stuck and will continue to resonate forever until I close down LMMS.