Not ideal. If you really want that one track to stand out more in the mix just turn the other tracks down a bit. Then you can turn the master up to get back the overall volume. Or at least that's how I do it...but that's using the LMMS FX mixer like a real studio mixer so there may be a better way ;...
Are you sure you're not just talking about the "metronome" noise it makes so you can stay in time when you're recording ? It's supposed to do that.

Sounds pretty good...but since I'd never heard of "Neurofunk" until 10 minutes ago I have no real idea if it sounds like it's supposed to. Sorry.

I wonder why there are so many different genres ? It sometimes seems like there's almost one per song ;).

The technician in me is still protesting, about the 3/4 at the start of a piece. ( Why do they write a fraction, if they don't mean a fraction ? But when they write a 1/4 note, then suddenly they do mean 0,25 :x ) Your technician needs to pay more attention. The 3 over 4 at the start of song doesn'...
There are certainly many easier ways to start learning music, as several of us have mentioned previously. But I'm impressed by your persistence and there's no doubt you will have learned a great deal by the time you (and the rest of us ;)) have finally finished with that piece. Music notation is a c...
There seem to have been a few people lately with problems running 1.1.3 on Windows XP whereas people (like me) on Win7 or Win8 aren't having any trouble. I wonder if there is maybe a problem with backward compatibility. Microsoft are notorious for messing with things that cause older programs to sto...
No they're not useless. LMMS 1.1.3 stores settings with no problem on my Windows 7 laptop. AFAIK the settings are stored in a .lmmsrc.xml file. Try searching for that file (it's in Users/<username> on Win7 but I think it was somewhere else on XP). It seems likely that will be the folder that's havin...
I'm not sure where you've been Googling but a D minor chord contains the notes D F and A. There's no E in there. And if you try it you'll find that E and F played together always sound horrible. Semitones played together like that are seriously discordant noises. Analysing things is good. I do it al...
Documents and settings is always like that in Win 7, it's not a real folder just maintained as a name for backwards not a problem. But the fact that your LMMS crashes immediately if there is no .lmms.xml file in /Users/<username> is odd. BTW mine is in Users/username not pcname a...
You lost me now. In the Bass, bar 9 has a dotted 1/4 note (6 squares) tied to a 1/16th (the 7th square) then jumps up to a G in the 8th square. Then there's a long rest (7 squares with no note) and the third 16th note is right at the end of the 4th beat in the bar (so in the 16th square). There are ...