Has anyone else gotten a Vst, Sounfont, or sample pack for free, then discovered that in the license there will be "occasional distortion after ten minutes", or, "register to get a license", or "Pay for bandwith costs" or "don't you dare use without crediting us o...
Two cool J trance music tracks. J Trance means Japanese Trance music . :) Golden dawn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvfFFxN5xkc Aquabless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJZyEXqdey0 Believe it or not, Synth 1 was used for these tracks. It really goes to show, the power of Synth 1 and what Synth...
Hi All,

Yes he was amazing, his music bring forth a lot of style and he kinda reminded me of Jimmie Hendrix style, although he was more of a keyboard man!

rest in peace
Sir Prince.
When will there be a new version of lmms be released, it's been a while since the last version.

I like trance too, albeit i never really listened to much of it growing up, but it reminds me of my acid house and hardcore so, im reliving my youth listening to trance, especially that first track!
Cool track musikbear
Great! Looking forward to your tracks. Me too! lol I need to find time to actually finish a project. Been working on several for as many years in equally as many different DAW's. Finally settled in with LMMS and Caustic for some fiddling around on the tab. I speak very highly of Caustic, btw. Looks...
DomiChi wrote:
roy38 wrote:
Ahhhhh i still see they have the classic "Mr Tramp" vst, absolute class and so good, yet so simple. :D
I do not know what you mean?
There is a vst marked as "mr tramp" on that page it is a simple vst that can create sounds, it is so simple to use :)
artao wrote:I think this one sounds pretty good.
Ahhhhh i still see they have the classic "Mr Tramp" vst, absolute class and so good, yet so simple. :D