Well, there's AV Linux, which is optimized for audio work and comes with all sorts of other audio software. http://www.remastersys.com/forums/index.php?topic=3329.0 I haven't tried it myself though so I've no idea how hard/easy it is to install for the inexperienced. Your best bet is probably still ...
The Ubuntu situation currently is... hairy. Normally, you'd install packages in the package manager (ie. software center on ubuntu) but currently, the package in the Ubuntu 14.04 repositories is broken and contains a buggy, non-functional version of LMMS. We're still waiting for the Ubuntu maintaine...
Why not try ALSA Sequencer in the settings? Works for me
you can just run cmake with -DWANT_VST=no
What plugins are you trying to load?
sti2nd wrote:But some LADSPAs do got interfaces... ooor https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/issues/75
Nope, they don't. LADSPA plugins do not have GUIs. None of them. That link is entirely unrelated.
LADSPA effects do not have GUIs. Those "basic knobs" are all you get.
Well, the AFP isn't really designed as a wavetable synth... the loop point controls may not be fine-grained enough to do what you want here.

You could adjust the pitch knob until the loop you have is playing at the pitch you want...
Have you tried zooming in?