OH! Ha... I got a totally wrong definition... It's DSKvirtuoso, which is quite good, but I ran it through a filter (can't remember which one) and the vintage delay plugin. There is a chance it might be the head phones, but I do like making my stuff sound lo-fi, so it might just be my track. The trac...
Thanks for commenting, but by "sonority", do you mean specific usage of accents on notes or overall volume mixing?
Sorry, I had to google the term.
I still don't get what dubstep is, but I'm terrible with genres... I like it though... I like how it seems to go through sections and mixes repetitive riffing with something slightly progressive. Though I really have to wonder if I'm getting the whole experience with my two standard speakers :/ I li...
I like it... it has a smooth sedate feel to it and I love that dirty but not overpowering bass.
Sort of whimsical. Good stuff :)
I like it... It has a Trent Reznor feel for some weird reason.
I agree with the people suggesting reverb and more thought placed into spacial mixing, maybe look into the attack envelopes... but I like it and I think you're probably going to make some interesting stuff in the future.
Here is a track I made this morning: https://soundcloud.com/nihil-machinatio/gelb It's pretty short, but it was nice to compose something that had nothing to do with a videogame project. Oh, and the display picture is a photo of an unfinished painting I was also working on this morning. I hope you l...
A while ago I shared two tracks that I composed for a game that I was working on. Well, I finally finished the game and composed the additional tracks. The complete playlist for the KatzenKlein 3D can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/nihil-machinatio/sets/katzenklein-3d-ost And the actual brows...
I still don't know what "acid house" is, but if you sit through the tutorial Gps posted, you can totally use the subtractive features within most inbuilt LMMS synths and it is a fun way of automating. I have to do mouse automation with LMMS these days though... I get massive lag on my Midi...
I like it (hence clicking the like button).... I liked how I could identify what was being used. A remix or second version using automation and filters would be cool too though. Even just automating the cut off features for the synths. Though, I have to admit I know nothing about "Acid House&qu...
Howdy! I just sort of wanted to share this: https://soundcloud.com/nihil-machinatio/what-i-needed I did it about 2 years ago, but only ever posted it on facebook. It's not one of my video game pieces and it's one of those personal ones. It's meant to mainly be pleasant and up beat. I hope you enjoy.