Leche wrote:I think it's funny how mac got no votes. Linux or PC. Keep calm, and screw mac!
Oh man! I was now about to post something like that.
Should have done so yesterday for sure.

Mac is an Awesome Computer/OS type though.
Poor Maccy! :D
Don't worry Mac, sooner or later, you'll get a vote. :D
Gps wrote:I does. :)

For most of what I learned the last two years, I have this forum to thank for.
That's very nice.
Glad we could help.
2 thumbs up! :D
No, I'm looking for a single musical instrument. I found a pretty good violin on dsk music but I'm still looking for brass instruments. By the way, thanks for all the help!
DSK Brass.
Enjoy! :D
Nice find.
Thanks for posting that video Gps.......Mr. Barry.
Nice song musikbearZ! The start up does sound cool. I like how it takes off from 4:11 secs . The drum roll is nice, but from 4:47 secs to 4:52 secs , the drum roll seems not to go along with the music. It seems like a few drum notes, are either missing, or should be rearranged a bit. I like the fact...
This music has a really interesting sound to it. But the phone ring, as cool as it is, sounds a bit too loud and a slight bit out of pitch , with the rest of the music. Try to get the pitch of the phone ring, to go with the pitch of the music track. But really, it's a nice tune. :D And that Looperma...
Gps wrote:Thanks, I just listened to it, and its helping a bit. Prob because I recognize the sounds :P

Its funny that the part that sounds the easiest, seems to be the hardest to get right.
That is so true.
Turon wrote:Well Edirol Orchestral is pretty good, it's free as well.
Wow! I never heard about that one.
Thanks. :D
You could also try Dsk Overture.
Keep at it! Ya going good so far. Sounding really Hippy Skippy! 8-) The sound that comes in at 1:41 secs to 2:00 secs , was really unexpected. And sounded really Hip Hoppish and cool too ! But I must admit, this is one of the most innocent, yet pleasant sounding , hip hop beats I have ever heard. :m...