I think you are correct. Especially very fast notes are sometimes not 'recorded'. I say 'recorded' because it is in fact not a recording, but a registration of an event in a list. The problem lies properly there. When notes are played very fast in succession (like dragging hands over a keyboard) the...
bug in automation-allocation i have found that (at least) the dials on LB203 interface does not 'connect' correctly to an automation track. The full span of the dial is not emulated by the automation track. For the 'CUT' dial only barely half of the full movement can be automated. If the automation-...
I have recovered does that mean that you have had a major insident on your system and has used some kind of software to recover destroyed files? If so, the information could somehow be lost.. If you on the other hand just have loaded an older project then it is strange that the instrumentnames has ...
*sigh* sadly no..
not even zynAddSubFX that is shipped with lmms can have any knobs bound to automation. Only the instruments 'default preset' interface-knobs can be automated.

Nice! Sounds like Enigma -Are you the composer?
Have you used a sampled vocal?

rated 5 on yTube

Interesting :) Thanks for the information.
An alternative way to import is to use the menu Project | Import and then browse to your midi I have succeeded changing the instrument after the import with this method *Save your project :) *bring the sound-font-instument you want to exchange UP (give it focus) *browse 'My Presets' and find the ins...
yes.. i reported that bug earlier. The thing is that waves are not just waves. uncompressed wave files are not replayed in the audiofileProcessor. This problem also ocour with vengence, slicex, edison ao created wave-files. What you can try is to reimport into audacity and save the file to audacity ...
you need to tell us what OS and ver. of lmms you have this problems with. Loading vst's can make lmms crash. I posted a reasonable method on the mailing list yesterday: (works for win32, lmms v 0.4.5 & 0.4.6) *SAVE PROJECT! (better save than sorry..) *load a default EMPTY! vst from the 'instrume...
In my opinion you have addressed the most important area of future development in LMMS. No, there is no possibilities :/ This is also highly important in respect to fine grained low-pass and high-pass filters. LMMS's selection of LADSPA L/H filters are simply not satisfactory, when it comes to reall...