Hello There, Just my opinion on your tracks. very well arranged and i can see a lot of work gone into them. It may be because I am from an older generation and musical preference, but it seems a little ‘tinny’ for me. Missing those deep basslines and thumping beats, but I am guessing that was the st...
Hello all, I am from Ireland and have been electronic music lover for decades now at this stage. I had bought and DJ’d my own Vinyl as far back as 1995 and was enjoying electronic music from the days of Adamski and SNAP. I would have loved at the time to get into making my own music but financially ...
Thanks a million.

I assumed there would be a function like that, just trying to find my way around it for now.
This would appear to do what i was asking about,


Any other possible functions that can assist with creating new spaces in already complex project with ease is appreciated.
Hello all, I am from Ireland and have been electronic music lover for decades now at this stage. I had bought and DJ’d my own Vinyl as far back as 1995 and was enjoying the music from the days of Adamski and SNAP. I would have loved at the time to get into making my own music but financially that wa...