sound cheesy
You always need to export to 32bit float
OP, try reinstalling the LMMS
There is also a tip such as the Haas effect . You are added to the channels millisecond delay
Just save often
There is no way back when program is not responding
Dude, Wtf?? Just don't use broken vst!!!! or upgrade your PC or Mac!!!
2T0NIT0RMX: First of All !!!!!!!!!!!! Go here: Then here: "V2.4.8.14315 - Windows/ " Then download this installer: "Flux_StereoTool_Windows_Installer_( " Full path: --> V2.4.8.14315 - Windows/ -->Flux_Ste...
...GUI Which is a problem because the GUI is the main part of this plugin, so if you have tips to make it work, let me know !
i faced tha same problem say 2 moths ago. i will try again to run Flux StereoTool. let you know the results ;)
2T0NIT0RMX: If you struggle with stereo image use spatial vst plugins. And again your music is great. p.s. hyperlink: Flux Stereo tool --Flux stereo tool is for checking your image spatial/imaging :