DSSI support in LMMS

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I am about to release a software named FLAM that allows any user which moderate design skills to create custom GUIs for LADSPA and DSSI plugins. These GUIs talk to the host via OSC protocol, as specified in the DSSI RFC.

A few hosts support this way of controlling plugins, and it would be nice if this list expanded. I also hope that FLAM lowers the entry barrier for prospective plugin authors that want to provide the user with a custom GUI.

Source code:
git clone http://vagar.org/git/flam

Project description:


http://vagar.org/asciidoc/flam/screensh ... ada-ER.png

I am swamped in my own projects right now, but if someone wants to tackle DSSI support in LMMS and needs mentoring, he/she are welcome to contact me about DSSI specifics.


Sounds cool. Would definitely be nice to see implemented in the future. So I'm giving it a bump.

Having some layouts combine sliders with dials or colored groups of dials would allow for a more intuitive organization than a whole lot of identical looking dials on a solid colored background. Some of the LADSPA effects seem more confusing to use than they should be because of this. (Effect VSTs often show how GUIs for such things should be done.) Information on a selector besides mode 1,2,3,4... would be a lot more useful too. Knowing what each mode is supposed to do by looking instead of guessing would be a big improvement.