Best way of automating my automated automation?

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TIL what a peak controller is, now I'm starting over with learning how to produce in LMMS.

Are there any other techniques out there that I should be learning immediately?

I feel that learning about the LFO and peak controller made learning about normal automation a huge waste of time.

"Automated automation"... who would have thought. So now I'm asking... how do I automate my automated automation?

The LFO doesn't seem to like being connected to itself. Do I stick a synth and peak controller in between?

Is anyone doing these things? I don't want to blow up my computer by accident, and it seems like the sort of thing that would.
i think you better tell us -what- it is the you factually are trying to achieve
Cris cross connections for the sake of same connections, are not worth any thoughts
But if you by 'normal' automation mean automation tracks, then LFO cyclic repeats are inferior
There is not automated automation.

What you do with the automation editor, is drag the knob you want to automate to the the automation track.