Our introduction thread

Anything that doesn't fit into other topics goes here!
182 posts
Hello everyone! I have been using LMMS for about a year now to make songs that I compose and play on the piano. I have no training and often feel like I must be making some very obvious mistakes or missing out on some key features because I don't know how to use them. I've tried looking online for guidance, but often feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. I'm hoping to use this forum to better inform myself about music production. :)
Hi guys, Jintat87 here. New to LMMS and excited to try out. Thanks for all who make this software possible and open source!
Hi Folks,

i am new here and i think it is a simple but good indicator for respect for a community and social skills to say "hi, here i am. i am new. i have benefited of your works and would like to get involved a little bit more." This is my attempted to do exactly this.

My name is Sven, i was built in 1979 and i love music! My last name starts with a K. and thats the whole secret behind the Nickname "Escay".

To give you a good idea of what to expect:
I have an affinity for everything thats "tech" and have worked quite a while in the branche wich is genrally refered to as "IT".
This means i have read quite a bit of documentation about this, that or the other. I have been self employeed for quite a while and offered services around "IT" - computer repairs, webhosting, projects etc.

I understand german and english and am able to express my thoughts in both languages (almost equally but german beeing my nativ language is of course always prefered - so in case something i may have written in english seems all jibberish, bear in mind that its my second language)

The one thing i totally suck at? Well... i guess, that would be "keep things ordered". I am a chaotic type of person, who often does things in ways that may appear "crazy" to others.

The thing i consider my best aspect: I am a person, which has many ideas and not enough hands. i constantly come up with new ideas and i like to recombine things to make something new. the world appears to be big box of lego bricks - sort of.

If i should define a code, i live by:
"treat others as you d like to be treated by others"
"we are all equal and we are all earthlings"
"Information has to be free!"
"nobody needs beeing ruled by others"
"security is an illusion"
"freedom is an illusion"
"money only works because people belive that money has a value"
"cooperation is the key to success"
"thats too simple... lets complicate it!" <--- i mean that i tend to stand in my own way and i see this often happening to others too.

I guess with this you should have a good idea of who you are dealing with if it comes down to "Escay".

Peace, love and harmony (but only because war is too expensive... *winks*)

Hello. I am new here. is there any thread related to the PowerShell Active Directory module
Hi folks my name is DASH VINE, aka DAVE SHIN,

I do mostly electronic dance music with some experimental crossovers.

I am 33 years old, hosted in Germany and love to share my passion for music.
I would like to meet artists and get in conversation with, about mixing, mastering, progression, eqing n stuff.
I am hugely influenced by the people from mau5trap records and some other persons on the net, like Marti Fischer.
Hi! My name is Henrik! I'm from small town called Solna (it is near the Stockholm). I love music. I love to play it, to make it, to listen to it. I'm very proud to be swedish because my country is one of the biggest in worldwide music industry! So that's all. If you have any questions feel free to ask them :)
Hi there! I'm Mikey. I've been on the forum for a while but I don't think I've properly introduced myself. I used LMMS a bit when I was younger and got back into it last year. I like all genres of music but mostly lean towards electronic, rock, and art-pop. I'm currently always working to make music and improve my skills. Feel free to add me on discord to talk music :D @ mikescy#3633
Bonjour à toutes et à tous

JASON64 est mon speudo, j'habite en france
Je ne suis pas musicien, mais la musique fait partie intégrale de ma vie et sous toutes ses formes musicales
J'ai découvert par hasard LMMS il y a maintenant plus de 10 ans, mais n'y connaissant rien en solfège et autres, je n'ai fait qu'écouter les morceaux crées et essayer de comprendre par les exemples
J'ai quelques morceaux de ma création, mais rien de finie
Après avoir abandonner , je viens de reprendre (j'ai plus de temps) et surtout la communauté a bien grandi, lmms est plus stable
Je travaille sur pc sous Windows 7 pro
Plein de questions sans réponse à l'époque , sont évoquées dans le forum et maintenant je commence à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de LMMS,
J'ai commencé à apprendre le solfège (cela aide pas mal)
Je continue ma lecture du forum afin de parfaire ma connaissance de ce merveilleux logiciel
Congratulation aux concepteurs et à ceux qui contribuent à son amélioration
A bientôt
Hello, my friends. I'm new to the forum. I've started using lmms recently. Happy to be part of community of talented people
Hello guys! My name is Arciom, I'm from Belarus. I love to write the music (especially in score form) and I have a lot of friends from musescore (https://musescore.com/community) whom I help to create and write music! :!:
182 posts