How do I copy a pattern in piano roll?

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I'm trying to make a loop of a pattern I made in piano roll but I can't get it to sound right. I seem to be putting the notes in the exact same position each time but it doesn't sound exactly the same as the first pattern. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to copy a pattern and paste it next to an identical one? Or do I have to make the identical pattern on a new piano roll each time?
a posible reason is the Q setting - but that would only be an issue if you either have fiddled with that setting or if you try to copy notes between 2 projects..
Q controlls how 'fine grained' the 'snap' to grid is in the pianoroll.
If you have notes of say 1/32 length or spacing, and you try to paste in a grid where Q is say 1/12, the notes will snap to erronious posistions, and sound weird
The solution is to set Q to the identical value
...does that in any way fit your situation?
-Q is normally persistent in the whole project.. if not fiddeled with .. :p
Inspect the notes posistions in 800% * magnification

..otherwise - weird, copy paste have worked for me always?

Well to be clear, copy and paste does technically work, but it doesn't look exactly as it did when I first did it, the notes look weird in the song editor. Perhaps that's how they should look. I'm basically trying to link the exact same pattern using a different instrument. I don't really know how to explain this clearly, but as I said, when I went to the piano roll and wrote a pattern, then tried to loop that pattern by putting notes in the exact same positions except next to the old one, the new pattern didn't sound exactly the same. Maybe I'm doing it wrong and I have to do the exact same thing in another line? I really don't know the technical terms for all of these things since I barely know anything about music so I'm probably just confusing you lol.