How to use BlueCatEQ in LMMS

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I installed BlueCat EQ and I can't find it anywhere. can somebody tell me how to find it?
1. Start LMMS
2. Go into Edit->Settings->Paths
3. Install BlueCat tripleEQ to the path labeled VST plugin directory
but there is problems with larger vsts like eq's and ver > 0.4.12. You will properly be able to use it for a while, then you will add more presets, and the the mischiefs begins. the recover auto-update, dumps data as plain xml (template). As these files get larger -and they get very large with vsts based eqs, you will freeze lmms (cpu load~ 95% is common) That can crash your pc
Bottom line be carefull with vsts for the moment.
I pray that recover will be optional in next release..
It worked, Thanks! And yeah I do crash sometimes but LMMS always gives me the option to recover.