A new short track

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Here is a track I made this morning:

It's pretty short, but it was nice to compose something that had nothing to do with a videogame project.
Oh, and the display picture is a photo of an unfinished painting I was also working on this morning.

I hope you like. :)
Nice composition. I'm less satisfied with the sonority.
Thanks for commenting, but by "sonority", do you mean specific usage of accents on notes or overall volume mixing?
Sorry, I had to google the term.
Sorry, by sonority, I thought about the piano timbre (listened with cheap headphones ...). Is this a sample?
OH! Ha... I got a totally wrong definition... It's DSKvirtuoso, which is quite good, but I ran it through a filter (can't remember which one) and the vintage delay plugin. There is a chance it might be the head phones, but I do like making my stuff sound lo-fi, so it might just be my track.
The track was exported to audacity, slowed down to 0.6 and a stereo ambient mix of slowed down pink noise was added... so I imagine there are a lot potential reasons it might sound crappy :/
Thank you for listening though :)
I like it. Quite chill. The melody is also somewhat unusual which gives it an interesting feel.

My main problem is that it's a little bit too repetitive for my taste. However, that is probably down to my personal taste in music more than anything else.
I sort of like repetition with gradual change, but I think I sort of have to expand a bit more.
I know it sounds like a "Everybody wins!"-statement, but it really does cause a conflict for me...
I think I need to be less shy and just play with some progressive melody.

...but I shall keep my repetitive bass riffs <_<
@Kalaherty, hmm … “sonority” was not the right term.

It's fun to play with the reduction in playback speed. There are sometimes good surprises.

Is this the final version ? Or are you still playing on it?
Kalaherty wrote:
Mon May 29, 2017 5:33 am
Here is a track I made this morning:

It's pretty short, but it was nice to compose something that had nothing to do with a videogame project.
Oh, and the display picture is a photo of an unfinished painting I was also working on this morning.

I hope you like. :)
A nice, relaxing musical composition.
D.Ipsum wrote:
Tue May 30, 2017 9:57 am
@Kalaherty, hmm … “sonority” was not the right term.

It's fun to play with the reduction in playback speed. There are sometimes good surprises.

Is this the final version ? Or are you still playing on it?
Well, I'm just happy I learnt a new word.

I've been pretty obsessed with playing with the playback speed for a while... I like how sometimes a weird texture seems to pop up sometimes and other fun little things.

This version is the final version... not to rule out remixes, but once I've uploaded something and given it a name, I try not to touch it anymore... It's probably silly, but I figure it stops me from over-refining things.

Thank you :)
That's sort of what I was going for.... I needed a break from the harshness of the tracks I was making for my last gaming project.