Chords from MIDI keyboard won't release

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I release multiple notes on my MIDI keyboard, only one is released, but the rest continue playing.
I found a program online and I modified it to show me the MIDI input.
When I pressed notes normally it showed up like this:

(Event type) (Key) (Force) (I dunno, just shows 0's)
(150 is keydown, 134 is keyup)
150 96 87 0
134 96 80 0
150 95 82 0
134 95 77 0
150 93 57 0
134 93 84 0

However when I press or release multiple notes it shows:

150 96 94 0
144 95 92 0
144 93 89 0
134 96 127 0
144 93 118 0
144 95 127 0

Does anyone know how to fix this?
The first part looked perfectly OK, but this is pretty weird.

150 96 94 0
Note on, channel 7, note 96, velocity 94
144 95 92 0
Note on, channel 1(!), note 95, velocity 92
144 93 89 0
Note on, channel 1, note 93, velocity 89
134 96 127 0
Note off, channel 7, note 96, velocity 127
144 93 118 0
144 95 127 0

And then new note on messages for those odd notes on channel 1...
kmouse wrote: Does anyone know how to fix this?
So, you don't get any note off messages for the notes on channel 1? They should start with 128. Without them, it's probably not easy to fix.