Automation Display Is Screwed Up

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I tried editing the automation with LMMS 4.8 and the display is not showing up properly. It's not redrawing the display, but instead is just drawing every movement over everything else so it makes a trail of garbage. I can still edit the curves and they will show up but not very clearly as they are still obscured whenever I move my mouse or any window over them. Is there a way I can fix this mess?
this sounds a lot like the isue shown in this video
a user named SuperLinuxAudioGuru presents a solution in the commentary:
this happened me before on linux, iirc there was a missing } in the style.css file (cant rem if i did that). paste here or use a pastebin link with the contents of c:\programfiles\lmms-0.4.8\sty­le.css file. make sure also that in lmms settings that your background artwork path is set to the above location and not to a previous version that you may still have on your system :)
Hope this helped.
It worked! Thank you!