Sample and preset sounds won't last as I intended.

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Hi, firstly sorry for my English since my mother tongue is not English...
In spite of my weak English, I decided to register myself here to learn LMMS. I'm afraid I'd like to ask some help here right away for my little problem.

I've been trying to make my new basic song using some sounds from "My Sample" and "My presets" menu.
And somehow I managed to put 1 block (which is composed of 4 units, only one long full note for each unit) of repeating bass in song editor with heaven_strings01. The problem is, in the first unit, the sound of heaven_strings01 lasts right before the second one starts, but then, in the second unit, it doesn't last enough and just stop pretty earlier before the third unit starts making awful silent intervals between units. Same thing happens in third and fourth unit too... it even looks kinda randomly happening. How could I make them sound uniformly in each unit as I intended?

It would be much easier to explain the situation with pictures but I don't even know how to upload one here, sorry...
You need to use longer notes, and or try the beat and bassline editor.
anonymousguy34 wrote:
Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:41 am
I decided to register myself here to learn LMMS.
Hi, Welcome to the Forum anonymousguy34 !
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I've been trying to make my new basic song using some sounds from "My Sample" and "My presets" menu.
Those are two very different things!
MyPresets represents instruments. You can create any length of sound with instruments!
MySamples represents pre-recorded audio-files, you can change length somewhat, bu cant create any length of sound!
But thats not the worst limitation!
Our samples cant be used to play different notes!
LMMS lacks a Sampler-feature. We do not have a gadget, that allow you to play more than one note, from a sample. If you do, there is problems with both pitch and length, as you have discovered.
For that reason Samples should only be used as one-shots, like in percussion, or as effects. Samples are not suited to be used as melody elements!
It would be much easier to explain the situation with pictures but I don't even know how to upload one here
That is one of many things you get explained in the link i gave above :)