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Re: v.1.2.2 App crashes on export - Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS + JACK

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 2:19 pm
by fedyarov
emilio wrote:
Thu Oct 21, 2021 1:37 pm
Hello fedyarov,

thank you for your reply.

Exported .wav files are ok.

I've tried to launch ./lmms-1.3.0-alpha.1.102+g89fc6c9-linux-x86_64.AppImage from a terminal.

Startup messages:

Carla does not appear to be installed. That's OK, please ignore any related library errors.
Jack appears to be installed on this system, so we'll use it.
Gtk-Message: 14:49:44.347: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
Gtk-Message: 14:49:44.534: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Notice: could not set realtime priority.
Lv2 plugin SUMMARY: 0 of 0 loaded in 0 msecs.
Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_lmms-1s4e14k/usr/lib/lmms/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_lmms-1s4e14k/usr/lib/lmms/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_lmms-1s4e14k/usr/lib/lmms/ ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

Messages logged while LMMS was rendering suggested demo (to .wav file):

Many SampleBuffer::decodeSampleOGGVorbis(): not an Ogg Vorbis file messages
Many !!!Not enough samples messages
One PERFLOG | Project Render | 183.22user, 6.24system 70.41elapsed message
Many SampleBuffer::decodeSampleOGGVorbis(): not an Ogg Vorbis file messages

Messages logged while LMMS was opening my song:

QtXmlWrapper::loadXMLfile(): empty data
Starting using X11Embed protocol.
log path:'C:\users\emilio\Desktop\Zebra2.log'
checking deskTopFile at: C:\users\emilio\Desktop\Zebra2.log
unique ID: SMD3
RemotePlugin::DebugMessage: inputs: 0 output: 2
RemotePlugin::DebugMessage: creating editor
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
RemotePlugin::DebugMessage: editor successfully created
QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::subWindowActivated( QMdiSubWindow* ) to SubWindow::focusChanged( QMdiSubWindow* )
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Messages logged while LMMS was performing the export of my song:

HostPlaying changed: inQuarter: 0.011610, lastQuarter 0.000000 currentQuarter 917.199819
PERFLOG | Project Render | 26.11user, 2.39system 13.23elapsed

I'm currently NOT using JACK (with ALSA audio driver); what will happen when I install jack?... To be continued...

Question: do you have KXStudio repos enabled? Which version of JACK are you running? Ubuntu repos are often not up to date, whilst KXStudio's ones are (and contain many utilities - like cadence, catia, ...).
If the render is fine, that's the only thing that matters. :)

I also get those messages 'not an Ogg Vorbis file' when I try to render the recommended Greippi demo with LMMS 1.3.0-alpha. They are absent in 1.2.2. This may be a bug.

No, I'm not using any additional repos, except for (cross-platform programming framework I once tried) and, I don't think they make any difference here.

The 'jackd -V' command reads 'jackdmp version 1.9.12 tmpdir /dev/shm protocol 8'. The package manager mentions '1.9.12~dfsg-2'.

The problem may turn out to be that your system is actually too new, not too old... Here's what I get rendering one of my tracks with 1.3.0-alpha (sorry for the Ukrainian locale):

Carla does not appear to be installed. That's OK, please ignore any related library errors.
Jack appears to be installed on this system, so we'll use it.
Notice: could not set realtime priority.
VST sync support disabled in your configuration
Lv2 plugin SUMMARY: 28 of 36 loaded in 232 msecs.
For details about not loaded plugins, please set
environment variable "LMMS_LV2_DEBUG" to nonempty.
Loading project...
Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_lmms-1vH69wq/usr/lib/lmms/ ( не вдалося відкрити файл об’єктів спільного використання: Немає такого файла або каталогу)
Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_lmms-1vH69wq/usr/lib/lmms/ ( не вдалося відкрити файл об’єктів спільного використання: Немає такого файла або каталогу)
Cannot load library /tmp/.mount_lmms-1vH69wq/usr/lib/lmms/ ( не вдалося відкрити файл об’єктів спільного використання: Немає такого файла або каталогу)
|--------------------------------------------------| 99% / PERFLOG | Project Render | 424.36user, 4.12system 234.75elapsed