I'm trying to use LMMS with Jack in Mac OS X so I can hook it up to Ardour.

I have Jack installed. I've used JackPilot to start it.

When I select "Jack" in LMMS, it gives me a message about needing to restart LMMS for most configuration options to take effect.

When I restart LMMS I'm immediately presented with the configuration panel and it says the audio is configured to "Dummy".

In fact, the "Jack" setting doesn't "stick". I can set the Audio Interface to Jack, close the "Setup LMMS" window, and immediately re-open it and it still says "Dummy."

Now, I went to http://jackaudio.org/downloads/ and downloaded the pre-built binary for 32/64-bit Snow Leopard(+)... when I checked that page just now, I see it seems to say the version for the pre-built binaries is "0.90" while the sources are 1.9.10.

I didn't see special LMMS instructions for Jack, and I would expect special instructions (if only a warning) if I needed to build Jack from source instead of using the pre-built version.

Am I doing something wrong? What's the recommended setup to get Jack and LMMS working?