New Progressive/Experimental EP

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Hey guys,

I'd posted my debut effort with LMMS a few months back and was glad to receive encouraging and useful responses which I have utilized towards the completion of my sophomore effort - an attempt to make the electronic instruments sound as analog as possible- the only recorded parts are the flute on track two and the vocals which I noise filtered with Audacity (and I guess the tabla soundkit which I obtained from an online archive). Rest of the production was done entirely in LMMS. So I have dedicated this album in parts to the developer of this amazing DAW, so long story short, here it is! ... apparition ... apparition

Though I've worked on it to my personal satisfaction this time around (not very good at being patient with my music), I am sure there are things I have missed, so as always feedback and criticisms are more than welcome.

Wow. That was an interesting musical experience. Although the musical style isn't for me, I think it was well produced and quite creative. What drum samples did you use? They sounded really good. The only criticism I have is that there was some crackling in the voice track at some points. Overall really well done though.
Thanks for listening! I tried my hardest to edit the vocal samples though the original recording's quality was too bad (phone recording done in a drunken haze) to salvage them entirely (maybe I will redo them after I procure a good mic). The drums - used a mix of the default LMMS samples and the hydrogen drumkit ones - they work really well for rock and metal sort of sounds I feel, though looking for a better library for jazz (that's the next project I want to work on).