jazzy progression

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How do you like this progression: jazz_progression.mmpz?
First I've made up the bass line and then I tried to find the chords. Sometimes this works.
It's the first time that I use a diminished chord. I think it's Bb diminished seven, the second chord of the progression.

I would have used the LSP to upload the file but it doesn't work at the moment.
Interesting! You use LMMS for something else than most others do, and this is a nice litle piece. Extreme easy listening -relaxing -chill out
Nicely mastered also.
The end is somewhat 'sharp' ..abrupt, but that would be expected from a snippet.
WoW! Nice job for sure, it sounds great.

I like the laid back vibe of it. Great work.

Thanks for listening!
I haven't got a good idea for an outro yet, that's true. Fill-ins are also missing.

Maybe the chill-out effect is generated by the following: the diminished7 chord builds up tension, which is then released by a major7 chord.
The other chords somehow provide the base upon which the tension builds.
There are however other relaxing chord sequences that gain a very similar effect in a totally different way.
musikbear wrote:Interesting! You use LMMS for something else than most others do
You mean the musical genre, right? Jazz is not very common in this community.
But maybe one day it will be. ;)

There are three things about this piece that I haven't mentioned:
1. There are 8 chords. The last 4 ones are almost the same as the first 4 ones, but shifted (C -> F, D -> G, ...).
2. The melody has been constructed by breaking up the chords and guessing additional notes.
3. Some parts of the melodies are "derived" from previous, simpler ones.
That way you only need an initial idea, use copy-paste-change and generate new ideas while listening to the old ones.
I hope this makes it more reproducible.
The melody is unique but pleasant to listen to. Good chillout song!
Nice to see someone posting songs again(after lsp went down)..And what to say abt the song? good as usual!
And thanks for letting us know "how" you created the song..Its good learning material..