LMMS 1.2 RC2 is out!

Anything that doesn't fit into other topics goes here!
zonkmachine wrote:
DJ FlyingPankakez wrote:But it did this weird "No disk in drive G through J, please insert disc" upon executing the program.
Have you saved projects to an external drive like a USB stick?
No. first time this has happened too.
We actually did hacks specifically on file scanning on start. I'll keep one eye open... ;)
Hi There;

Firstly, needles to say, your time and energy spent in the continuous development of Lmms is greatly appreciated by me and many others...thank you.

Would you mind if i point out some of my personal feelings in regards to the newly released v1.2 pre-release.

Lmms was my first Daw and in this past year and a half or so (and due to it's easy workflow) has filled my free time with much joy and creativity which i was not able to achieve with some of the other Daws that i tried...and i must add, it has the
best Piano Roll of all ( better than FLStudio, IMHO )

When i first opened v1.2 i was immediately struck by both the bright neon green and the white glowing piano keys against the now much darker background of the Piano Roll and also the much too faint lines.This all might not be an issue for many but for what it's worth, i just felt the need to bring it to your attention .

Just a thought !...why change !? .Why try to emulate other Daws ? Lmms already has it's distinctive colour. A light green/blue against the beautiful light and dark alternating dark background ( which i love ) in a light grey body.

For me personally, i would prefer the v1.0.3 or 1.1.9 with the all the new features (but not the rounded corners on notes )

Thanks and keep up the great work.

J.O.E.W.H.O. (Just One Entity With His Opinion )
You can set classic theme from Edit>settings>directories>theme directory.
How can I install this release in Ubuntu?
rc version does not load my patman files. says an error has occured. i then re loaded 1.1.3 and files now work.
seems a few external instruments have bugs also.

good work on the new lmms i like it very much :D
roy38 wrote:rc version does not load my patman files
loads my new ones fine.
with 'not load' do you mean projects with patman-files, do not load, that point at path issues, not RC

seems a few external instruments have bugs also.
Please be concise
heris456 wrote:You can set classic theme from Edit>settings>directories>theme directory.
Yes, ...i knew of it but was a bid hesitant since i never changed the theme before but will try it with the release of the
official/stable 1.2 version...thank you.
Has exporting MIDI been removed? :o
Skeltun John wrote:Has exporting MIDI been removed? :o
Yes, it wasn't fully implemented.

There's an online tool presented in this thread:
I haven't tried it. Pleas report back if you're successful with it.